Dear @ITWhisperer , It is working for the above mentioned table. But when I use the same in another table, the data inside the cell is getting hidden. Here is the below code and screenshot. <row> <panel> <html> <style> #highlight tbody td div.multivalue-subcell[data-mv-index="1"] {display: none;} </style> </html> <table id="highlight"> <title>Profile</title> <search> <query> index=*xyz apn IN (/PROFILE) | eval calsuc=case(match('code',"1"), "SUCCESS", match('code',"2"), "WARNING", match('code',"1"), "FAILURE") | dedup requestId | stats count(eval(calsuc="SUCCESS")) as "TotalSuccess" count(eval(calsuc="WARNING")) as "TotalWarning" count(eval(calsuc="FAILURE")) as "TotalFailure" | rename TotalSuccess as S, TotalWarning as W, TotalFailure as F | eval SuccessPerc=round(((S)/(S+W+F)),100,2) | eval WarningPerc=round(((W)/(S+W+F)),100,2) | eval FailurePerc=round(((F)/(S+W+F)),100,2) | eval sign=round(SuccessPerc, 2) | eval colorCd= if(sign>=95,"GREEN",if(95>sign AND sign>=80,"YELLOW", "RED")) | eval TotalCount=mvappend("SUCCESS "+" : "+'SUCCESS' +"("+'SuccessPerc'+")", "WARNING"+" : "+'WARNING' +"("+'WarningPerc'+")", "FAILURE"+" : "+'FAILURE' +"("+'FailurePerc'+")") | eval status=mvjoin(Totalcount," ") | eval statusNew=mvappend(status, colorCd) | chart values(statusNew) as tot by flowNm Country | fillnull value="No Value" </query> <earliest>$sltd_tm.earliest$</earliest> <latest>$sltd_tm.latest$</earliest> </search> <option name="count">20</option> <option name="drilldown">row</option> <format type="color"> <colorPalette type="expression"> case (match(value,"RED"), "#DC4E41", match(value,"YELLOW"),"#F88E34",match(value,"GREEN"),"#53A051") </colorPalette> </format> </table> </panel> </row>
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