| dedup empID
| eval tot = case (match('call.code' , "1") OR match('call.code' , "2") OR match('call.code' , "3") OR match('call.code' , "4") OR match('call.code' , "5") , "Success",
match('call.code' , "6"),"Failure")
| stats count(eval(tot="Success")) as "TotalSuccess" count(eval(tot="Failure")) as "TotalFailure"
| rename TotalSuccess as SUCCESS, TotalFailure as FAILURE
In the Drilldown Part:-
<set token="abc">$click.value$</set>
<set token="xyz">case ($click.name2$="FAILURE", "6", $click.name2$="SUCCESS", "1,2,3,4,5" )
<link target="_blank"> search?q=index=index_test call.operation IN "$abc$" call.code IN "click.name2"
| dedup empID
| eval tot = case (match('call.code' , "1") OR match('call.code' , "2") OR match('call.code' , "3") OR match('call.code' , "4") OR match('call.code' , "5") , "Success",
match('call.code' , "6"),"Failure")
Here in drilldown, I want to pass multiple values in $click.name2$="SUCCESS", "1,2,3,4,5". But it is not taking the values.