Hi all, I have a very specifc regex extraction (search time extraction) _raw data example: | union [| makeresults | eval _raw = "Dec-28-2023|12:05:46,836||148:|some branch|uswer_name|d168a8b9-5647-421b-97ba-f2aa3bceb69a|1:Creation page stack|Success|action_portfolio_forms_c_save.action|8970:PORTFOLIO ONBOARDING - FORMS CAPTURE||3065254228||||||| ~newType|||"] [| makeresults | eval _raw = "Dec-28-2023|12:05:46,836||148:|some branch|uswer_name|d168a8b9-5647-421b-97ba-f2aa3bceb69a|1:Creation page stack|Success|action_portfolio_forms_c_save.action|8970:PORTFOLIO ONBOARDING - FORMS CAPTURE||3065254228|||||||oldType~newType|||"] [| makeresults | eval _raw = "Dec-28-2023|12:05:46,836||148:|some branch|uswer_name|d168a8b9-5647-421b-97ba-f2aa3bceb69a|1:Creation page stack|Success|action_portfolio_forms_c_save.action|8970:PORTFOLIO ONBOARDING - FORMS CAPTURE||3065254228||||||||||"] I want to extract 2 fields from position 19 of the pipe and until 20th position that include (or may not) 2 fields that need to be extracted new: comes right after 19th | and before ~ old: comes after ~ and before 20th | There are 3 option that the data may appear: |<space>~newType| |oldType~newType| |<null><null>| The problem that I have is when no data is presented (3rd option) , then the props.conf doesn't parse it In the end I need to have 2 fields, based on the example above: old new <space> newType oldType newType <space> <space> props.conf [user_activity]
REPORT-bb_extract = REPORT-bb_extract
EXTRACT-oldAccountType = ^(?:[^|]*\|){19}(?<old>[^\~|\|]*)
EXTRACT-newAccountType = (?:[^~]*\~){1}(?<new>[^|]*) transforms.conf [REPORT-bb_extract]
DELIMS = "|"
FIELDS = "DATE","TIME","ip","branch","appName","userName","actionID","actionType","actionStatus","actionName","action","srcPortfolioId","refID","currency","TotalAmount","secondPortfolioId","multiTransfer","field18","field19","id2","field21","new","old" 1. How can I extract the field that may or may not include some value 2. How can I fix the the second regex to start with ~ after 19th | Thanks
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