Hello All,
I have the Office 365 plugin, and looking to refine some alerts I have setup. The alert is to notify me of an attempted login from Outside the United States, except a few users with a specific user ID and excluding a specific domain.
Everything works, with the exception of excluding a specific domain. Here is the search that I have setup (I have removed the sensitive information):
`m365_default_index` sourcetype="o365:management:activity" Workload=AzureActiveDirectory Operation=UserLoggedIn | iplocation ClientIP | where Country !="United States" AND NOT UserId="user1@test.com" AND NOT UserId="user2@test.com" AND NOT UserId="user3@test.com" AND NOT UserId="user1@test2.com" AND NOT UserId="user2@test2.com" AND NOT UserId="user3@test2.com" AND NOT UserId="user4@test2.com" AND NOT UserId="user5@test2.com" AND NOT !UserId="*@test3.com" | table _time UserId LogonError ClientIP Country | rename app AS App UserId AS User ExtendedProperties{}.Value AS Reason ClientIP AS "Client IP" | sort - _time, user
The things that work are highlighted in green. The thing that doesn't work is highlighted in red.
Side note: My goal with the item in red is to exclude the entire domain test3.com for any user. For example, user1@test3.com is under the "User ID" field, so I am just wanting anything at test3.com to be excluded. That is not working for some reason. 😞
Thank you all!
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