Hi Ninjas, I am trying to extract fields from json logs but i have time stamp and some text data in front of array so i can't extract by using key value pair. Can anyone help me?
Jun 12 23:59:18 AM1-JJ-Arod-1 TESTIN-TUE {"addresses": {"local_ipv4": "", "public_ipv4": ""}, "cpu_info": {"idle": 00.1}, "date": "2017-06-12 23:59:01.291710", "disk_space": {"disk": "/dev/xvda1", "free": "54781", "pct_used": "6", "total": "60337"}, "host_type": "test", "hostname": "AM1-JJ-Arod-1", "memory_stats": {"available": 3483, "cached": 1747, "free": 1512, "percent": 7.3, "total": 3759, "used": "2247"}
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