I got the following error when I tried to save a dashboard after editing its xml:
Encountered the following error while trying to update: In handler 'views': Not valid XML: <view template="dashboard.html....
< and > characters are part of my search String because I'm using the rex search command
<module name="HiddenSearch" autoRun="True">
<param name="search">| savedsearch "Mysearch" | where isnotnull(Resource) | rex "r> (\[.*\] )*(?<Reason>.*)$" | fields host,hostname,Resource,Reason</param>
How do those characters have to be escaped?
There are two ways:
for <
and >
for >
. You should also use &
for any &
and some people like to use "
for "
.I personally think that it's a lot clearer to just use CDATA so your search query is readable:
<module name="HiddenSearch" autoRun="True">
<param name="search"><![CDATA[
| savedsearch "Mysearch" | where isnotnull(Resource) | rex "r> (\[.*\] )*(?<Reason>.*)$" | fields host,hostname,Resource,Reason
There are two ways:
for <
and >
for >
. You should also use &
for any &
and some people like to use "
for "
.I personally think that it's a lot clearer to just use CDATA so your search query is readable:
<module name="HiddenSearch" autoRun="True">
<param name="search"><![CDATA[
| savedsearch "Mysearch" | where isnotnull(Resource) | rex "r> (\[.*\] )*(?<Reason>.*)$" | fields host,hostname,Resource,Reason