Edit: This one should be more accurate and will also let you use the date picker. index=_internal host="SPLUNK_DS_NAME" component=PubSubSvr event_message="Subscribed*"
| eval hostname=mvindex(split(connectionId, "_"), 4)
| search hostname!="direct"
| eval guid=mvindex(split(connectionId, "_"), 5)
| dedup guid sortby +_time
| join guid type=inner [search index=_internal host="SPLUNK_DS_NAME" component=PubSubSvr event_message="Subscribed*" earliest=1
| eval hostname=mvindex(split(connectionId, "_"), 4)
| search hostname!="direct"
| eval guid=mvindex(split(connectionId, "_"), 5)
| eval h_time=_time
| dedup guid sortby +_time
| fields guid, h_time]
| addinfo
| eval firstSeenDiff=_time-h_time
| eval pickerDiff=now()-info_min_time
| where pickerDiff>=firstSeenDiff
| eval lastSeen=strftime(_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
| eval firstSeen=strftime(h_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
| table lastSeen, firstSeen, guid, hostname This seems to be the earliest date stamp of events, not the forwarder check-in. index=_internal source=*metrics.log group=tcpin_connections
| dedup guid
| table _time, guid, hostname (Simplified version of Solved: Re: Listing forwarders - Splunk Community) I then realized this was just for forwarders sending data. Although it would be strange, you can have forwarders connected to just the DS. index=_internal host="SPLUNK_DS_HOSTNAME" component=PubSubSvr event_message="Subscribed*"
| eval hostname=mvindex(split(connectionId, "_"), 4)
| search hostname!="direct"
| eval guid=mvindex(split(connectionId, "_"), 5)
| dedup guid sortby +_time
| table _time, guid, hostname
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