Good one. for safer side use year also in the sorting ,
|inputlookup ChargeVolume.csv |stats sum(Charge Volume (USD)) as "Charge Volume" , sum(Pre Auth volume) as "Pre Auth Volume" by "Reporting Month-YEAR" | Rename "Reporting Month-YEAR" to "Month" | eval rank=case(Month like "Jan-%",1,Month like "Feb-%",2,Month like "Mar-%",3,Month like "Apr-%",4,Month like "May-%",5,Month like "Jun-%",6,Month like "Jul-%",7,Month like "Aug-%",8,Month like "Sep-%",9,Month like "Oct-%",10,Month like "Nov-%",11,Month like "Dec-%",12,1=1,13) |rex field=Month "-(?<rank_year>\d+)" | sort 0 rank_year, rank| fields - rank rank_year
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