Activity Feed
- Posted Re: alert on Splunk Search. 08-03-2020 04:39 AM
- Posted alert on Splunk Search. 08-03-2020 03:58 AM
- Tagged alert on Splunk Search. 08-03-2020 03:58 AM
- Karma Re: licensing for gcusello. 07-20-2020 03:40 AM
- Posted licensing on Deployment Architecture. 07-20-2020 02:56 AM
- Karma Re: Alarms for richgalloway. 07-18-2020 11:39 AM
- Posted Alarms on Splunk Enterprise Security. 07-18-2020 10:34 AM
- Posted FILTERING on Deployment Architecture. 07-17-2020 08:21 AM
- Posted license on Deployment Architecture. 07-17-2020 08:09 AM
- Posted How to get data into splunk? on Getting Data In. 07-16-2020 07:39 AM
- Posted Re: How to enable audit logs in these databases and then send logs to Splunk on Getting Data In. 12-11-2019 12:57 PM
- Posted How to enable audit logs in these databases and then send logs to Splunk on Getting Data In. 12-11-2019 08:19 AM
- Tagged How to enable audit logs in these databases and then send logs to Splunk on Getting Data In. 12-11-2019 08:19 AM
- Tagged How to enable audit logs in these databases and then send logs to Splunk on Getting Data In. 12-11-2019 08:19 AM
- Tagged How to enable audit logs in these databases and then send logs to Splunk on Getting Data In. 12-11-2019 08:19 AM
- Tagged How to enable audit logs in these databases and then send logs to Splunk on Getting Data In. 12-11-2019 08:19 AM
- Posted license problem on Splunk Enterprise. 11-25-2019 08:47 AM
- Tagged license problem on Splunk Enterprise. 11-25-2019 08:47 AM
- Posted SPLUNK BOOT on Splunk Search. 11-21-2019 08:12 AM
- Tagged SPLUNK BOOT on Splunk Search. 11-21-2019 08:12 AM
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04:39 AM
Hi, Ye thank you. So in the searching how can i say: WHen an alert fires send the result of it for email?
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03:58 AM
Hi, How can I set an alert with firing setted to send an email to me. But when It fires on the mail it has to show me a dashboard previous created is it possible? otherwise in the mail alert has to show me the result of it. In this case how the searching needs to be setted?
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- Tags:
- i
- Labels:
02:56 AM
Hi, Searching: When a host reaches 1gb memory consumed per day fire an alert? This will has to be real-time.
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- Labels:
10:34 AM
Hi questions: 1) Splunk enterprise security already has some rules from default inside? When you buy it I mean 2) where can I create rules in it? do they have to be created from splunk enterprise and exported into there or Can I create them inside that (Where) 3) do you know any free course about it to advice? 4) Risk analysis panel in it is used more for? 5) Splunk enterprise security needs one license apart other than that splunk enterprise? 6) How much does a license of that cost? 7) where can be created alarms in it?
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- Labels:
08:21 AM
Hi, I have 2 sources log so much like 2 gb per day just them. What could I do to limit it? Is possible to set some filters somewhere (where?) Either is there another way to permit to send less logs from them?
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- Labels:
08:09 AM
Questions: 1) How much does a license from 5gb per day cost? 2) Where could that be bought? 2) When license overcomes limit of 5gb per day what does Splunk happen? It stucks logging? It permits logging the same but reduced for certain days? Nothing, logging arrives also to 10gb?
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- Labels:
search head
07:39 AM
After setted a source by inputs.conf where inside is specified a sourcetype="something" and index="something".
Sources come from by UFs.
So the question: is insert sourcetype into that file inputs.conf enough or do I also have to create sourcetype in the GUI so I mean into settings > sourcetype.
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- Labels:
universal forwarder
12:57 PM
Okay the problem now is database side.
How can I configure data ('to grab') like connection type, tables, name database etc.. So all this data that after I will be put in dB connect
Do you have any guide of that?
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08:19 AM
I got to integrate an Oracle database and a SQL server 2008 to my Splunk environment as a forwarder.
How can I enable audit logs in these databases and then send logs to Splunk?
How do they have to be configured Splunk side and database side?
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08:47 AM
ERROR LMTracker - failed to send rows, reason='Unable to connect to license masterError connecting: Connection refused'
any solution to this?
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- Tags:
- splunk-enterprise
08:12 AM
The value of env var SPLUNK_OS_USER, "splunk", does not match any user on this system;
Error: Success
This command can only be run by bootstart user.
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- Tags:
- splunk-enterprise
07:18 AM
The fact is just insert the field frozen the retention works? Because in the guides advices to set also maxtotalsize and coldfrozentodir, without these it works the same?
How can I see if data retention is effectively working?
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07:04 AM
NOTE: Every event in a bucket must be older than 'frozenTimePeriodInSecs' seconds before the bucket rolls to frozen
This means that i have to set each bucket like telemetry, main, summary etc.. Older that frozen field?
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05:57 AM
Where must the data retention be settled in indexer or in my case distributed environment in search head?
Then seen that it must be setted in file indexes.conf but it S present just in etc/system/default but we know we don't have to edit files in default folder how can I do that? Do I create a file in local and after splunk will think to update the default folder?
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- Tags:
- splunk-enterprise
03:52 AM
What is the DMC on splunk? Why should I have need to install it? How should be installed, It is an app? The monitoring console is not the same thing as that? I'm configuring and distributed environment so in general setting should I configure it as distributed than standalone? Because if I set it to it it gives me like an error not to configure DMC in search head production
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- Labels:
monitoring console
12:23 PM
Where and how can I set the data retention on Splunk?
Because I have seen there are many bow to set it like telemetry, main etc..
So it's really not clear...
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03:49 AM
I got to manage some indexers, I seek this can be done by master class server.
How do i configure it?
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05:56 AM
A way to implement centralized management from web-GUI on SH of main configuration like forwarder, data retention, etc ?
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06:18 AM
And so spontaneously i question: what's for that? when it is better to install it?
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02:02 AM
why should i install the add-ons in splunk?
collecting data would work the same without it?
Compared to qradar SIEM they are like dsm?
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02:00 AM
collecting data works the same without kvstore installed?
what is the advantage to install it in an environment splunk?
what it does?
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01:27 AM
thank for those.
So do you also light dreams about Add-on that is must I install it for each source?
what's those for?
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09:20 AM
3 questions:
Can I use directly syslog for everything enabling it to each machine, without getting use of universal forwarder or heavy?
What is the advantage to use directly it rather than install UF for instance?
What is the difference between the heavy forwarder and an indexer for example?
Then must I use the add-on with a universal forwarder or I can install it without to use it?
Would everything work the same? what do they used for is it like a dsm?
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