We have the following query:
index =_internal source =*license_usage.log type ="Usage" | eval Team =case(h like "%-ec2%" OR h like "%-usnw%" OR h like "%-usw%" OR h like "IP-%" OR h like "%-EU%" OR h like "%-SYD%" OR h like "%-BR%" OR h like "%-AP%" OR h like "%-JP%" OR h like "%-load%" OR h like "ens-%", "AWS", h like "%-IAD" OR h like "%-FRA" OR h like "%-LAS" OR h like "%-AMS" OR h like "%-STAGE", "COLO" , h like "STORAGE-BIGDATA-%" OR h like "SF-AZUZE-%" OR h like "STORAGE-USE-%" OR h like "STORAGE-USNC-%" OR h like "STORAGE-APE-%" OR h like "STORAGE-EUN-%", "AZURE") | eval GB=(b/(1024*1024*1024)) | stats sum(GB) by Team | rename sum(GB) as License_Usage_GB | sort -License_Usage_GB
which gives us the license usage of hosts in a particular team,
we want to get the license usage of other hosts which do not match the given patterns above.
Thanks in advance.........
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