I'm looking for a sample search that calculates count of events which match within 500m radius of lat/long on lookup table.
Sample events:
2017/02/02 10:00:01 event_id="1" latitude="34.49293" longitude="132.399270"
Lookup sample "MASTER" for location (CSV):
AAA,563 2nd St,34.492109,132.399582
BBB,201 3rd St,34.395424,132.488734
Expected output table:
shop,address,latitude,longitude,event match count
AAA,563 2nd St,34.492109,132.399582,1
BBB,201 3rd St,34.395424,132.488734,0
I tried and could create the following search that find events within 500m radius of lat/long on lookup table.
sourcetype=hoge [| inputlookup MASTER.csv | eval w_lng = longitude - (500 / 30.8184*0.000277778) | eval w_lat = latitude - (500 / 25.2450*0.000277778) | eval e_lng = longitude + (500 / 30.8184*0.000277778) | eval e_lat = latitude + (500 / 25.2450*0.000277778) | table shop_name address longitude latitude w_lng w_lat e_lng e_lat | eval search = "(longitude >= " . w_lng ." AND latitude >= " . w_lat . ") AND (longitude <= " . e_lng ." AND latitude <= " . e_lat . ")" | fields search]
But I'm not sure how to create the expected output table.
Any sample search would be really appreciated..
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