Good Morning As I am new to Splunk, sometimes I need to try things that are beyond my comprehension at this time. This is one of those cases: I have the following search that lists the hosts with system information: index="index1" OR index="index2" sourcetype=WinHostMon (source=operatingsystem os="*" TotalPhysicalMemoryKB="*") OR (source=processor NumberOfProcessors="*") OR (source=disk DriveType=fixed TotalSpaceKB) | eval RAM = round (((TotalPhysicalMemoryKB)/1000000),1) | eval DiskSpace = round (((TotalSpaceKB)/1000000),1) | stats values(os) as OS, values(NumberOfProcessors) as CPU, values(RAM) as "RAM (GB)", values(DiskSpace) as TotalDiskSpace by host | eventstats sum(TotalDiskSpace) as "LogicalDiskSpace (GB)" by host | table host, OS, CPU, "RAM (GB)", "LogicalDiskSpace (GB)" ==================================================== I need to add an inputlookup command to display other fields associated to each host that is displayed in the search above. I have setup the input lookup table and the definition and I am able to run the lookup and extract the fields i need. | inputlookup otherinfo.csv host field1 field2 field3 The difficult part that I have been struggling with is trying to add that step into the search above. Any guidance or information that can be provided to help me learn would be appreciated. Thank you
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