After the upgrade of Splunk Enterprise to 8.2.4, several triggered alerts with tokens are no longer sending out emails. Looking at splunkd.log, there is a warning message concerning the alert 02-10-2022 10:02:28.244 -0600 WARN Pathname [15448 AlertNotifierWorker-0] - Pathname 'E:\Splunk\bin\Python3.exe E:\Splunk\etc\apps\search\bin\ "results_link= "ssname=Password Reset Reminder" "graceful=True" "trigger_time=1644508948" results_file="E:\Splunk\var\run\splunk\dispatch\scheduler__srunyonadm__search__RMD5c5f30383081059ef_at_1644508800_24883\results.csv.gz" "is_stream_malert=False"' larger than MAX_PATH, callers: call_sites=[0xd4d290, 0xd4f001, 0x15d1632, 0x15ce217, 0x1439f53, 0x13c8176, 0x71f406, 0x71ea9e, 0x71e899, 0x6eaeeb, 0x70c3c5] I am concerned with the "larger thanMAX_PATH" message because Splunk doc states - "The Windows API has a path limitation of MAX_PATH which Microsoft defines as 260 characters including the drive letter, colon, backslash, 256-characters for the path, and a null terminating character. Windows cannot address a file path that is longer than this, and if Splunk software creates a file with a path length that is longer than MAX_PATH, it cannot retrieve the file later. There is no way to change this configuration." What can be done to get this working again? Regards, Scott Runyon
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