I have a lookup file that contains two columns, ip and mac. I want to update this file daily by running a query that catches when either a new device is added or an existing device is moved. My query is
index=syslog logdesc="neighbor table change" vendor_action="add"
| regex srcip = "(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})"
| stats latest(srcip) BY mac
| rename "latest(srcip)" AS srcip
| fields mac srcip
| lookup srcip_mac.csv mac OUTPUTNEW srcip
| outputlookup append=true srcip_mac.csv
What happens is that I end up with a file that contains the updated data in a new line but the existing items are duplicated. I end up with a file that is twice the size it needs to be.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Your query needs to read the existing lookup, read the new events, dedup the results, then write to the lookup file. Something like this:
index=syslog logdesc="neighbor table change" vendor_action="add"
| regex srcip = "(\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3})"
| stats latest(srcip) BY mac
| rename "latest(srcip)" AS srcip
| fields mac srcip
| intputlookup append=true srcip_mac.csv
| dedup srcip
| outputlookup srcip_mac.csv
How i update the test_MID_IP.csv with the output IP, so that next time it runs with updated list
index=abc IP!="10.*" [| inputlookup ip_tracking.csv | rename test_DATA AS MID | format ] | lookup test_MID_IP.csv test_IP as IP OUTPUT test_IP | eval match=if('IP'== test_IP, "yes", "no")| search match=no | stats count by IP
I am running this. how can i append the IP form below query to test.csv
index=<abc>[| inputlookup ip_tracking.csv | rename FDS AS MID | format ] | lookup test.csv test_IP as IP OUTPUT test_IP | eval match=if('IP'== test_IP, "yes", "no")| search match=no | stats count by IP
Your query needs to read the existing lookup, read the new events, dedup the results, then write to the lookup file. Something like this:
index=syslog logdesc="neighbor table change" vendor_action="add"
| regex srcip = "(\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3})"
| stats latest(srcip) BY mac
| rename "latest(srcip)" AS srcip
| fields mac srcip
| intputlookup append=true srcip_mac.csv
| dedup srcip
| outputlookup srcip_mac.csv
Four years later and this post is still helping people. Thanks very much, friend!