I've got a search that looks something like this:
search | eval Minutes=case(field<120,"0 to 2", field>=120 AND field<180, "2 to 3 mins", field>=180 AND field<240, "3 to 4 mins") | chart count as Sent by Minutes.
The problem is that the Send field does not always have values, and I am trying to fill those values with 0. Right now they just don't return anything, so if "2 to 3 mins" has a count of 0 it just doesn't show up in the results, like this:
.....Minutes .....Sent
1. 0 to 2 mins...503
2. 3 to 4 mins... 20
What I'd like to see is this:
.....Minutes ...... Sent
1. 0 to 2 mins ....503
2. 2 to 3 mins .... 0
3. 3 to 4 mins ....20
I've tried adding fillnull, but it doesn't work.
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