Given a week worth of timestamped data like the following:
1st FEB
Time = "010219 0100" Category = "A" Value = "1.1"
Time = "010219 0100" Category = "B" Value = "1.3"
Time = "010219 0110" Category = "A" Value = "2.1" <- Last data for A on 1st FEB
Time = "010219 0110" Category = "B" Value = "2.2" <- Last data for B on 1st FEB
2nd FEB
Time = "020219 0100" Category = "A" Value = "1.1"
Time = "020219 0100" Category = "B" Value = "1.3"
Time = "020219 0110" Category = "A" Value = "1.1" <- Last data for A on 2nd FEB
Time = "020219 0110" Category = "B" Value = "1.2" <- Last data for B on 2nd FEB
Assuming my keys are extracted correctly, how can I display a table of this format:
Category 01-FEB 02-FEB...
A 2.1 1.1
B 2.2 1.2
I am able to get to this point with the following query:
<Base Search>
| dedup date_mday, date_month, TagName
| eval date = strftime(_time,"%Y%m%d-%b")
| xyseries TagName, date, Value
and get the following results:
Category 20190219-Feb 20190219-Feb
A 2.1 1.1
B 2.2 1.2
How can I rename manipulate the header such that they are all in chronological order with the correct header names? For context, the data will be searched for an entire year. I was able to get close to the presentation but encountered an ordering issue, for example, all the 01-X grouped together, 01-JAN, 01-FEB, 01-MAR and so on
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