I have a table with an ID in it and a date. I've converted the date to be YYYYMMDD . Based on that date field, I would like to create a whole new column that takes the current date field and adds a month to populate the column/row. I don't want to use relative now() time, I want to take my data point and add a month to it.
So my search is
index=product_index punct="__::_..___::_:_:____'_______,__\\\\____'" | convert ctime(_time) as monitor_start timeformat=%Y-%m-%d| table Employee_ID, monitor_start, monitor_end | outputlookup users.csv
I need to add another pipe that does something such as |eval monitor_end=(monitor_start+1mon) but that doesn't work.
If I can get a new column called monitor_end, I would do a format on that as well. | convert ctime(monitor_end) timeformat=%Y-%m-%d
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