Hi All,
I need to find the difference between these two dates with the removal of the weekends
I have 2 date value fields as
ASSIGNED_DT = 2018-08-30 15:33:51
ANSWER_DT= 2018-09-03 16:59:48
| makeresults | eval ASSIGNED_DT = "2018-08-22 15:33:51" | eval ANSWER_DT= "2018-09-03 16:59:48" | eval Assigned_Time = strptime(ASSIGNED_DT, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") | eval Answer_Time = strptime(ANSWER_DT, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") | eval start=relative_time(Assigned_Time,"@d") | eval end=relative_time(Answer_Time,"@d") | eval Date=mvrange(start,end+86400,86400) | convert ctime(Date) timeformat="%+" | eval WeekendDays=mvcount(mvfilter(match(Date,"(Sun|Sat).*"))) | eval diff = tostring(( Answer_Time - Assigned_Time), "duration") | table ASSIGNED_DT, ANSWER_DT, diff, WeekendDays
Everything is working fine and the results are:-
2018-08-22 15:33:51 2018-09-03 16:59:48 12+01:25:57.000000 4
Now I just need help with:
1. remove the WeekendDays from the diff
2. Convert diff-WeekendDays as the only number of days in decimal: for example here : it should be 8.01 days or 8 days 1 hour 25 mins only.
Thanks for your help.
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