@anilchaithu | inputlookup scan_due_date.csv
| eval date = strptime('Scan Date', "%d-%b-%Y")
| eval duedate = if(isnull(date) OR date="", "Unspecified", date)
| eval status=case(duedate >= now(),"Not Expired",duedate="Unspecified",duedate true(),"Overdue")
| search status=Unpecified OR status=Overdue
| map [| sendemail to="$email$" subject= Alert - Shame on you! Your System Scan is Either Overdue or Date Unspecified" from=bob@mail.com message="Shame!" ] When run the search I get "0 results found." I'm assuming it has to do with the sub-search data not getting into the map command? How do I get the search above into the map command? | map search= "| inputlookup scan_due_date.csv
| eval date = strptime('Scan Date', "%d-%b-%Y")
| eval duedate = if(isnull(date) OR date="", "Unspecified", date)
| eval status=case(duedate >= now(),"Not Expired",duedate="Unspecified",duedate true(),"Overdue")
| search status=Unpecified OR status=Overdue
| sendemail to="$email$" subject= Alert - Shame on you! Your System Scan is Either Overdue or Date Unspecified" from=bob@mail.com message="Shame!"" If do it similar to what you have in your spl, none of commands highlight and the search won't run. Any ideas? Thanks!
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