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If you can pass the lab then you can pass the exam. Don't fret about it and don't go to unofficial sites that may mislead you. Read the certification blueprint and make sure you're familiar with the topics will be on the exam.
Rich is right on (high five, @richgalloway)!
We strongly encourage candidates to use the Study Guide and their course materials (and nothing else) to prepare for the exam. The exam questions are built solely on the course content, so third-party materials can be poor quality (at best) and in direct violation of our exam agreement (at worst).
As a heads up (to you and to other community users), even requesting compromised exam content violates our end-user policy and can result in negative consequences.
We wish you the best in your study efforts. You can do this!
@amesser that is for sure, and will follow the guides.
Edited the message. Thanks a lot for the insight!
Stick with the official docs and your class notes. That's all you need to pass the exam. Anything is suspect and could be incorrect.
Agree with you, and it's the core of my study and research (as well as splunk official docs, that sometimes have the answers I am looking for). But still, I am looking for something that tests my knolwdge on the topics, and show me if I need to learn more on them.
Thanks for the reply.
If you can pass the lab then you can pass the exam. Don't fret about it and don't go to unofficial sites that may mislead you. Read the certification blueprint and make sure you're familiar with the topics will be on the exam.