Hello splunkers
i want to create a visualization for my command to create a bar chart that contains the (src_ip/user) information on the x-axis and the count on the y-access
i tried this command but it aint working:
index=MyApp eventtype=My_App_Authentication_logs user=* action=failure | top 10 user by src | sort -count | where count>=4 | head 20| table src user count
i need your help please
Thanks in advance
use this in the end of your query
|eval "src.user"=src." :: ".user |fields src.user count
use this in the end of your query
|eval "src.user"=src." :: ".user |fields src.user count
thanks a lot my splunker mate ^_^
Please elaborate on "it ain't working". What results do you get and how do they compare to the expected results?
Thanks for the reponse rich ^_^
take a look at this statistics:
now i want to show this table as a bar chart where the combination of (SRC/User) is on the x-axis and the count is on the Y-axis, like:
the y-axis only shows the SRC field, i want to combine it with the user field