I have a saved search that looks at the previous 24 hours of data and pulls back a simple table with 4 values. Similar to below.
index=data profile_name="Workstations" | dedup src_ip | rangemap field=score Low=0-100,Medium=101-500,High=501-1000,Critical=1001-999999 | top limit=0 range
What i would like to do is to be able to see the trend of these values over time (3+ years) without having to query the 3 years worth of data.
My thought was to write the data to a lookup table each night with the date. Then, in a new search I could query that table to pull the trend over time. I'm having trouble finding a solution.
Thoughts? Thanks in advance
What you want is a summary index. Run your daily saved search of the last 24 hours and save the 4 values to a summary index. Then you can search the SI for your trend. See http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/6.1.1/Knowledge/Usesummaryindexing.