I have two searches where I need to run an stats count on to do some calculations. First search is
index=xxx wf_id=xxx wf_env=xxx xxx | stats count
Second search is
index=xxx wf_id=xxx wf_env=xxx sourcetype=xxx usecase=xxx | stats count by request_id
First search uses a simple stats to get its count, but the second search uses stats count by request_id so I am having trouble getting the counts for both. Ideally I would like to get the counts for both searches and divide them. I've used appendcols but it returns empty fields for both searches. Any guidance on how to get counts for these searches would be helpful!
Working example:
_time | Search 1 counts | Search 2 counts | Search 1/ Search 2 |
00:30 | 50 | 25 | 2 |
00:35 | 100 | 25 | 4 |
This returns an empty field
Hi @kishan2356,
in my test I have two rows: one with empty field and one with the valued fiel, you could filter for the fields with the value:
index=xxx wf_id=xxx wf_env=xxx sourcetype=xxx usecase=xxx
| stats count by request_id
| appendpipe [ search index=xxx wf_id=xxx wf_env=xxx xxx | stats count | rename count AS total ]
| search total=*
| eval perc=count/total
Hi @kishan2356,
did you tried appendpipe?
something like this:
index=xxx wf_id=xxx wf_env=xxx sourcetype=xxx usecase=xxx
| stats count by request_id
| appendpipe [ search index=xxx wf_id=xxx wf_env=xxx xxx | stats count rename count AS total ]
| eval perc=count/total
Thank you for the reply Giuseppe,
Hi am still getting black fields when using appendpipe.
Hi @kishan2356,
please try this:
index=xxx wf_id=xxx wf_env=xxx sourcetype=xxx usecase=xxx
| bin _time span=5m
| stats count by _bin request_id
| append [ search
index=xxx wf_id=xxx wf_env=xxx xxx
| bin _time span=5m
| stats count BY _time
| rename count AS total
| stats sum(count) AS count values(total) AS total BY _time
| eval perc=count/total