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how to calculate time delta


how to calculate the device’s uptime value e.g time delta means time between  (uptime < 1800) up to next (uptime < 1800). (note: if the next uptime is not found then just calculate time up to end period).



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Perhaps this will get you started.

index=foo "uptime"
| rex "uptime\"\":(?<uptime>\d+)"
| where uptime < 1800
| streamstats window=2 range(_time) as delta
| table _time uptime delta
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View solution in original post

What do you mean by "uptime < 1800"?
Can you share some sample data?
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2020-07-14 06:43:37.0,0,ERROR,000000000000,na,na,na,na,na,na,na,na,"""na""",na,na,"{""bootid"":0,""deviceid"":""BC10164B002952"",""mac"":""9021063d8898"",



this is basically raw data.  here uptime is 271031. so we want devices uptime value which are less than 1800. by calculating time delta (uptime < 1800) up to next (uptime < 1800). (note: if the next uptime is not found then just calculate time up to end period).

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Perhaps this will get you started.

index=foo "uptime"
| rex "uptime\"\":(?<uptime>\d+)"
| where uptime < 1800
| streamstats window=2 range(_time) as delta
| table _time uptime delta
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Thanks for that.

there are few more requirements. Below are some of them.

• Take the memory data (freemem) from the first point and just BEFORE the next point at where the device was rebooted.
• Show the device uptime based on time calculation between the two points.
• Calculate the delta of memory (freemem) between the two points.


Reboot can be recognized by resetid

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I don't have a solution for those requirements.
Finding an event immediately before another event is a challenge I've not yet overcome.
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