These are few requirements. (I am splunk beginner Please help me)
Plot out devices that degrade over time using specific outliers.
input field to define the total degredation value
calculate before time and after time and have this summarised per device.
For each mac on telemetry:
• First calculate the device’s uptime value e.g by calculating time delta (uptime < 1800) up to next (uptime < 1800). (note: if the next uptime is not found then just calculate time up to end period).
• Take the memory data (freemem) from the first point and just BEFORE the next point at where the device was rebooted.
• Show the device uptime based on time calculation between the two points.
• Calculate the delta of memory (freemem) between the two points.
This will need to be put into an indexing page with the query run across the entire telemetry base.
The dashboard should have the following inputs:
Time period (for before / after delta) + Leak Threshold (Number of bytes) + Span Exclude (removing test devices) +
One column can show the device’s uptime and another column will show the memory degradation.
the events look like this:
2020-07-14 06:43:37.0,0,ERROR,000000000000,na,na,na,na,na,na,na,na,"""na""",na,na,"{""bootid"":0,""deviceid"":""BC10164B002952"",""mac"":""9021063d8898"",