Hi. Could someone suggest how I could go about creating a report that list all AD users and all the associated LDAP groups they belong to? This is required for audit purposes and tips on any other way of presenting the info would also be appreciated. Ideally I want a list that shows every AD group or may be just the privileged group a user account is part of.
Thanks in advance.
You could use something like this if you have SA-ldapsearch installed:
| ldapsearch search="(&(objectClass=user)(!(objectClass=computer)))" attrs=* | table sAMAccountName memberOf
You could use something like this if you have SA-ldapsearch installed:
| ldapsearch search="(&(objectClass=user)(!(objectClass=computer)))" attrs=* | table sAMAccountName memberOf
Hi brreeves. Thanks for the answer. I shall try this and get back to you if need be.
Hi Breeves. For this to work will the search head need to be a windows box? Or does any other instance need to be a windows box to query AD?
No, You'll just load the Splunk Support for Active Directory app and tell it where your AD servers are (it supports linux and windows, as it uses scripts to query AD). Then run the search and Splunk will query AD.