We have a chef recipe, that people are using and loving. Now, they want the ability to find out their serverclasses on servers without involving us. Unfortunately, I don't see anyway of doing this by hostname, only by clientname, which, by default, is the GUID.
Here is a search that provides a bit more information on all the forwarders and provides the apps and serverClasses side-by-side:
| rest /services/deployment/server/clients splunk_server=local
| foreach applications.*.restartSplunkd [eval Apps=if(isnotnull('<<FIELD>>'), mvappend(Apps, "<<MATCHSTR>>"), Apps)]
| foreach serverClasses.*.restartSplunkd [eval ServerClasses=if(isnotnull('<<FIELD>>'), mvappend(ServerClasses, "<<MATCHSTR>>"), ServerClasses)]
| eval Forwarder = lower(dns)
| rex field=utsname "(?<os>[^\-]+)\-(?<arch>.+)"
| eval os = case(os == "linux", "Linux", os == "windows", "Windows", arch == "sun4u", "Solaris", arch == "sun4v", "Solaris")
| fields - utsname
| lookup version2build.csv build
| rename dns AS Forwarder, averagePhoneHomeInterval AS PHI
| stats values(Apps) AS Apps, values(ServerClasses) AS ServerClasses count by Forwarder ip os arch version build clientName splunk_server PHI lastPhoneHomeTime
| fieldformat lastPhoneHomeTime=strftime(lastPhoneHomeTime, "%F %T")
| eval missing=now()-lastPhoneHomeTime-PHI | eval missing=if(missing<0, 0, missing)
| eval Missing=case (missing==0, "No", missing==1, "Yes")
| fields - missing
| addtotals count col=t row=f
And here is that search modified to look for one host inside an XML search form like the one above (same search modified for one host lookup and xml-ified (changed <, >, and " to <, >, and ^quot;). It uses $name$ for the host variable -- you can just drop it into the XML Sloshburch showed, above, replacing what is there between and :
| rest /services/deployment/server/clients splunk_server=local
| foreach applications.*.restartSplunkd [eval Apps=if(isnotnull('<<FIELD>>'), mvappend(Apps, "<<MATCHSTR>>"), Apps)]
| foreach serverClasses.*.restartSplunkd [eval ServerClasses=if(isnotnull('<<FIELD>>'), mvappend(ServerClasses, "<<MATCHSTR>>"), ServerClasses)]
| eval Forwarder = lower(dns)
| search Forwarder = $name$
| rex field=utsname "(?<os>[^\-]+)\-(?<arch>.+)"
| eval os = case(os == "linux", "Linux", os == "windows", "Windows", arch == "sun4u", "Solaris", arch == "sun4v", "Solaris")
| fields - utsname
| lookup version2build.csv build
| rename dns AS Forwarder, averagePhoneHomeInterval AS PHI
| stats values(Apps) AS Apps, values(ServerClasses) AS ServerClasses count by Forwarder ip os arch version build clientName splunk_server PHI lastPhoneHomeTime
| fieldformat lastPhoneHomeTime=strftime(lastPhoneHomeTime, "%F %T")
| eval missing=now()-lastPhoneHomeTime-PHI | eval missing=if(missing<0, 0, missing)
| eval Missing=case (missing==0, "No", missing==1, "Yes")
| fields - missing, count
How about this:
| REST /services/deployment/server/clients
| search name="$host$"
| fields + applications.*.serverclasses
| rename "applications.*.serverclasses" AS "*"
| transpose
| rename column AS app, "row 1" AS serverclass
Then, save it as a search and have the end users run a REST call to a search which runs | savedsearch search_above(cool)
where the token (in this case "cool") is the hostname they are interrogating.
But, to be honest, I think this would work best as a dashboard if they are willing to go to a page:
<label>Splunk Deployment Audit</label>
<fieldset submitButton="false" autoRun="true"></fieldset>
<input type="dropdown" token="name" searchWhenChanged="true">
<label>Select a deployment client:</label>
<query>| REST /services/deployment/server/clients</query>
<query>| REST /services/deployment/server/clients
| search name="$name$"
| fields + applications.*.serverclasses
| rename "applications.*.serverclasses" AS "*"
| transpose
| rename column AS app, "row 1" AS serverclass</query>
Of all the searches I've done, this REST search was the only one that worked for me in 9.0.0. I tweaked it to give me client per server class so that I could export a csv of my environment. The only caveat is that it won't include any server classes that don't have any clients phoned home, which is a minor issue. Note: this must be run from Deployment Server (DS).
| rest /services/deployment/server/clients count=0 splunk_server=local | table hostname serverClasses.*.stateOnClient
| untable hostname ServerClassNames dummy
| rex field=ServerClassNames "serverClasses\.(?<ServerClassNames>[^\.]+)\.stateOnClient$"
| stats values(hostname) as hostname dc(hostname) by ServerClassNames
| rename hostname as clientName
| table ServerClassNames, clientName
since I was running on a deployment server which is not a search peer, I had to specify splunk_server=mydeployhostnamehere
| REST /services/deployment/server/clients splunk_server=mydeployhostnamehere
So this worked for you right? If so, be sure to click Accept
to close the question.
Absolutely - good catch!
This search will give you a mapping of hostnames/IPs/GUIDs:
index="_internal" (sourcetype="splunkd_access" root="services" user="-" phonehome) OR ((source=*/metrics.log* OR source=*\\metrics.log*) group=tcpin_connections NOT statusee=TcpInputProcessor)
| rex field=uri "connection_(?<clientipPH>\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)_(?<portPH>\d+)_(?<hostnamePH>(?:\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)|(?:[^\s]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,3})|[^_]+)_(?<clientnamePH>[^\s]+)_(?<GUIDPH>[^\s_]+)"
Was hoping for a REST call, not a Splunk search.
To add color: I believe @212830 wants it as a REST call so the folks interfacing with the CHEF recipes can continue to use that interface.
Conversely, they can use a REST call to run a search that provides the answer.
My search gives you the GUID, then you can use the REST API.