Activity Feed
- Got Karma for list all fields within a sourcetype. 12-18-2024 07:23 AM
- Got Karma for For large lookups, should I use the kv store?. 06-01-2024 05:16 AM
- Got Karma for How to remove an indexer from the distributed management console?. 06-15-2023 02:55 PM
- Got Karma for Re: Two serverclass.conf files - now what?. 06-02-2023 07:45 AM
- Got Karma for Two serverclass.conf files - now what?. 06-02-2023 07:44 AM
- Got Karma for How to use the REST API to just run a search and stream the results back?. 10-12-2022 06:38 AM
- Got Karma for How often/quickly does a Splunk universal forwarder read a file?. 05-06-2022 11:39 PM
- Got Karma for Why are we getting message "waiting for queued job to start..." and search job takes 5 minutes to run?. 01-11-2022 01:11 AM
- Got Karma for What is tstats and why is so much faster than stats?. 10-20-2021 12:41 PM
- Got Karma for What is tstats and why is so much faster than stats?. 10-11-2021 06:44 AM
- Got Karma for Why are results from two searches for license data different?. 06-26-2020 08:03 AM
- Got Karma for How to remove headers from a custom app log file?. 06-11-2020 06:01 PM
- Karma Re: Questions about Splunk_TA_windows for kmorris_splunk. 06-05-2020 12:50 AM
- Karma Re: Can you help us with understand how Splunk manages bundles? for DavidHourani. 06-05-2020 12:50 AM
- Karma Re: Can you help me with my license report? for muralikoppula. 06-05-2020 12:50 AM
- Karma Re: How to pass in a variable to dbxquery for niketn. 06-05-2020 12:50 AM
- Karma Re: Can you help me with my field extraction weirdness? for woodcock. 06-05-2020 12:50 AM
- Karma Re: Can Splunk charts display a logrythmic Axis? for skoelpin. 06-05-2020 12:50 AM
- Karma Re: Help with eval and wildcards for gcusello. 06-05-2020 12:50 AM
- Karma Re: Does Splunk support dual Y-axis? for niketn. 06-05-2020 12:50 AM
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10:14 AM
Think I have it...
whitelist = \.log
host_segment = 5
disabled = false
index = unknown
sourcetype = unknown_syslog
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09:15 AM
I have an inputs.conf that seems to be ignoring the host entries that I've entered. Am I missing something?
host_segment = 5
disabled = false
index = unknown
sourcetype = unknown_syslog
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12:00 PM
We upgraded our Splunk for Windows Add-on from version 4.3.8 to 5.0.1 and our memory doubled on our indexers. Not entirely sure the TA is the whole problem, but it does appear that as part of this upgrade, Splunk is doing a transform on each and every windows eventlog, and transforming the sourcetype, at the indexer layer. Why in the world would they do that? Seems like a really bad idea. Has anyone else run into this or confirmed it? If accurate, I'd like to understand why they don't just set it at the UFW layer.
The props:
TRANSFORMS-Fixup = ta-windows-fix-classic-source,ta-windows-fix-sourcetype
The transforms:
## Setting generic sourcetype and unique source
DEST_KEY = MetaData:Source
REGEX = (?m)^LogName=(.+?)\s*$
FORMAT = source::WinEventLog:$1
DEST_KEY = MetaData:Source
REGEX = <Channel>(.+?)<\/Channel>.*
FORMAT = source::XmlWinEventLog:$1
SOURCE_KEY = MetaData:Sourcetype
DEST_KEY = MetaData:Sourcetype
REGEX = sourcetype::([^:]*)
FORMAT = sourcetype::$1
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12:32 PM
Anyone run into an issue where the User Logon/Logoff events from O365 stop indexing from the Splunk Add-on for Microsoft Office 365? Other events are still appearing, but these stopped. Our O365 admin ran a powershell script using the same credentials as the plugin, and the events appeared, so I don't think that it's an issue with the account, or Microsoft. The plugin doc provided some additional steps to assist with trouble-shooting, but those did not solve the issue either.
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01:16 PM
Agreed. I think the secure connection is important.
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10:02 AM
I'm no sure that I'd call this something to ignore. Don't we want to use validated SSL certificates?
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08:36 AM
Has anyone successfully created tenants via .conf files from the command-line? I've created them and restarted splunk, but data pull fails. The log files say that the splunk_ta_o365_secret could not be found. When I look at the local directory for the app, no passwords.conf exists. I then go into the gui, re-enter the client secret, and the passwords.conf file gets created, and the data pull works. So, it looks the tenant client_secrets must be added via the gui?
Hope this makes sense.
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10:43 AM
I have what's listed above, which works most of the time. Trying to determine if something there is wrong, especially since the time prefix includes quotes.
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10:37 AM
It's not taking that date as the event date - looks like it's taking the system date on the server.
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09:55 AM
I'm having some issues getting a feeds timestamp picked up properly. The date field comes in like this: "date": "8/15/2019 10:55:16 AM" . My props has this, which isn't working.
TIME_FORMAT = %m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p
TIME_PREFIX = "date": "
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08:10 AM
I'm trying to count the number of events for a specific index/sourcetype combo, and then total them into a new field, using eval. I've tried this, but looks like my logic is off, as the numbers are very weird - looks like it's counting the number of splunk servers. I want to count the number of events per splunk_server and then total them into a new field named splunk_region.
|tstats count WHERE index=cisco AND sourcetype="cisco:asa" by splunk_server _time
| eval splunk_region = case(like(splunk_server,"%bos-%"),"BOS" ,
like(splunk_server, "dfw-%"),"DFW",
like(splunk_server, "%lax-%"), "LAX",
like(splunk_server, "%"),"OTHER")
| timechart span=1d count by splunk_region
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07:28 AM
Splunk recently announced that they were no longer going to support their add-on for Tenable Nessus data, and recommended using Tenables own add-on for Splunk. I installed the add-on, but I'm seeing huge differences in event counts for the vuln sourcetype, with the Tenable one generating more than twice the amount of events. Has anyone run into this? Also, is there a way to disable the asset and plugin data from being collected?
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08:44 AM
I need to create a dual Y-axis chart in Splunk - is that possible? I've attached an example.
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06:55 AM
I'm trying to use eval for hosts, and need to use wildcards. I tried the following, but it's not working. How does eval handle wildcards?
index=main sourcetype=sensor_info
| eval IDSGROUP = case(match(host==az*, "Tuscon RIG", host==bos*, "Boston RIG", host==tx*, "DFW RIG", host==ca*, "LAX RIG"))
| timechart avg(pkt_drop_percent) by host
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01:15 PM
Found it. Should have just had ^# as the preamble regex. Still not sure why that didn't work though.
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10:23 AM
I have a csv file with headers, and a preamble. I already have the fields being discovered, but I'm unable to get both filtered from indexing and hoping someone can help me. Here are examples of the lines that I want filtered:
1) ################################### Perfmon start:
2) #time,pkt_drop_percent,wire_mbits_per_sec.realtime,alerts_per_second,kpackets_wire_per_sec.realtime,avg_bytes_per_wire_packet,patmatch_percent,syns_per_second,synacks_per_second,
Here's my props.conf:
PREAMBLE_REGEX = (^#time.+|^#########+)
LINE_BREAKER = ([\r\n]+)
I think that this should work, but it's not. Any ideas?
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06:33 AM
Is there a way to compare serverclasses and apps for specific apps for hosts from within SPL?
I want to schedule a report that looks at certain critical hosts and compare them on a regular basis.
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01:11 PM
Elimnated the COMPID, and it worked. Thanks everyone! Much appreciated.
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01:00 PM
So, this? EXTRACT-testcompid = \<COMPID\>(?<testdvc>.*?)\<\/COMPID\>
I tried it in regex101, and it didn't get anything.
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12:42 PM
Tried this, but it didn't work:
EXTRACT-testcompid = \<COMPID\>(?<testdvc>\S+)\<\/COMPID\>
I'm trying to get the first word between the COMPID brackets.
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11:44 AM
I'm trying to do an eval, but it's not working, and could use another set of eyes.
I extract my data in the props.conf on the SH:
EXTRACT-action = \<ACTION\>(?<actionTESTA>[^\<]+)\<\/ACTION\>
That part works - it returns values of Discard, Refuse or Allow.
I then have an eval function in my props. right under the extract statement.
EVAL-action=case(actionTESTA="Allow","allowed",actionTESTA="Permit","allowed",actionTESTA="Discard","teardown",actionTESTA="Refuse","blocked",eventTESTA="Connection closed","teardown",eventTESTA="Incomplete connection closed","teardown")
I would expect the eval statement to change values, but it's not.
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10:06 AM
Thanks. I like that better. What if I just wanted the first word between the brackets? I have similiar ones where only the first word is needed.
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09:37 AM
This is in transforms.conf, so where would the field get defined? I tried that, it errors out when restarting the search-head:
REGEX = \<COMPID\>(?[\w\s]+)<\/COMPID>
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