I've been looking for ways to get fast results for inquiries about the number of events for:
All indexes
One index
One sourcetype
And for #2 by sourcetype and for #3 by index.
Here are the ideas I've come up with, and I thought I'd share them, plus give a Splunk Answer that others can add to. If you have something clever in this general area (that's fast) please share it here.
Count of events for an index or across all of them with eventcount:
| eventcount summarize=false index=winevent_index
There is no way to restrict it to a particular sourcetype or source,
and the Time Picker has no effect on it -- It counts all events in
an index for all time.
Here is how to look at all the non-internal indexes:
| eventcount summarize=false index=* report_size=true
Similar search with tstats:
| tstats count where index=* groupby index,_time span=1d
This does respect the Time Picker, so if you do last 7 days you
get a count for each index, for each day.
This gives the count of events for one index, with Time Picker set to Week to date:
| tstats count where index=winevent_dc_index groupby index,_time span=1d
index _time count
winevent_dc_index 2019-02-03 7765708
winevent_dc_index 2019-02-04 9837331
winevent_dc_index 2019-02-05 10624149
winevent_dc_index 2019-02-06 10198089
winevent_dc_index 2019-02-07 5475228
But I hadn't been able to figure this out for a sourcetype-based search
until today. This works great on the main index, which has lots of sourcetypes:
| tstats count where index=main groupby index,sourcetype,_time span=1d
Whereas this search provides the count for a particular sourcetype, by index, by day:
| tstats count where sourcetype=syslog groupby index,sourcetype,_time span=1d
I finally decided that I'd like to see Events Per Second for all sourcetypes averaged over a given period. I'm using Last 7 days with this:
Here is a search that provides the EPS number per sourcetype over 7 days for all sourcetypes:
| tstats min(_time) as earliest_event max(_time) As mostRecent_event count where sourcetype=* NOT index=os by sourcetype
| eval elapsedTime = mostRecent_event - earliest_event, EPS = tostring(count / elapsedTime, "commas")
| convert ctime(earliest_event), ctime(mostRecent_event)
But, for something like syslog (which is so generic) this search is better because I can tell by index and host what the syslogs are:
| tstats min(_time) as earliest_event max(_time) As mostRecent_event count where sourcetype=syslog by index host
| eval elapsedTime = mostRecent_event - earliest_event, EPS = tostring(count / elapsedTime, "commas")
| convert ctime(earliest_event), ctime(mostRecent_event)
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