I have some reservations about the usefulness of this with so much more usage of IaaS/PaaS/SaaS these days...but since this is non-trivial to produce, I thought I would save everyone the work of developing from scratch if it is something you'd like to monitor. I would also like to note, this has bubbled up activity that was unauthorized/malicious in my experience...so maybe it's not useless...
This uses a macro built on the search string provided by @MuS in this post: https://answers.splunk.com/answers/90694/find-the-distance-between-two-or-more-geolocation-coordinat...
max_stream_window = <adjusted for base search>
DO NOT RAISE THIS ARBITRARILY in my environment I have raised this to an upper limit of +10% of my average base events (to include my max) over the past month after doing a LOT of filtering in the base searchsrc_ip!=<rfc 1918 addresses> src_ip!=<whatever other garbage you don't need>
maybe you don't really want to try to deal with IPv6 addresses, maybe you have a lookup that you can drop all your known public ip spaceuser!=*test* user!=<whatever other garbage you don't need>
macro will take src_ip and dest_ip as arguments and return the city, region and country for each ip, the distance traveled in km and miles, hours it took to travel, and the kph and mph| index=x OR index=y OR index=z src_ip!=192.168.* src_ip!=*:* user!=*test*
| lookup src_ips.csv src_ip as src_ip outputnew description
| where isnull(description)
| lookup users.csv attr1 as user outputnew email
| lookup users.csv attr2 as user outputnew email <etc iterate as necessary or however you do user normalization>
| eval src_user='email'
| dedup src_user src_ip index _time
| rex field=_time "(?<dest_time>^\d+)"
| rename src_ip as dest_ip
| sort 0 src_user dest_time
| streamstats values(dest_ip) as src_ip values(dest_time) as src_time by src_user window=1 current=false <the window and current options are KEY here>
| where isnotnull(src_ip) AND (NOT 'src_ip'=='dest_ip')
| `geodistance(src_ip,dest_ip)`
| where mph>575 AND 'src_region'!='dest_region'
| stats values(src_ip) as src_ip values(dest_ip) as dest_ip list(src_city) as src_city list(src_region) as src_region list(src_country) as src_country list(dest_city) as dest_city list(dest_region) as dest_region list(dest_country) as dest_country avg(miles) as miles avg(hours) as hours avg(mph) as mph by src_user
| eval miles=round(miles,2)
| eval km=round(km,2)
| eval hours=round(hours,2)
| eval mph=round(mph,2)
| eval kph=round(kph,2)
| eval src_ip=mvdedup(split((mvjoin((mvzip(src_ip,dest_ip)),",")),","))
| eval src_city=mvdedup(split((mvjoin((mvzip(src_city,dest_city)),",")),","))
| eval src_region=mvdedup(split((mvjoin((mvzip(src_region,dest_region)),",")),","))
| eval src_country=mvdedup(split((mvjoin((mvzip(src_country,dest_country)),",")),","))
| table src_user src_ip src_city src_region src_country miles km hours mph kph
src_ip!=<rfc 1918 addresses> src_ip!=<whatever other garbage you don't need>
maybe you don't really want to try to deal with IPv6 addresses, maybe you have a lookup that you can drop all your known public ip spaceuser!=*test* user!=<whatever other garbage you don't need>
macro will take src_ip and dest_ip as arguments and return the city, region and country for each ip, the distance traveled in km and miles, hours it took to travel, and the kph and mphcreate a new macro with no arguments: "geodistance"
iplocation src_ip
| rename lat as src_lat lon as src_lon City as src_city Region as src_region Country as src_country
| iplocation dest_ip
| rename lat as dest_lat lon as dest_lon City as dest_city Region as dest_region Country as dest_country
| search src_lat!="," src_lon!="," dest_lat!="," dest_lon!=","
| eval lat=(dest_lat-src_lat)*pi()/180
| eval lon=(dest_lon-src_lon)*pi()/180
| eval dest_rad=dest_lat*pi()/180
| eval src_rad=src_lat*pi()/180
| eval a=pow(sin(lat/2),2)+pow(sin(lon/2),2)*cos(dest_rad)*cos(src_rad)
| eval miles=(12742*atan2(sqrt(a),sqrt(1-a)))*0.621371
| eval km=12742*atan2(sqrt(a),sqrt(1-a))
| eval hours=if(((dest_time-src_time)/60/60)=0,".01",(abs(((dest_time-src_time)/60/60))))
| eval mph=miles/hours
| eval kph=km/hours
| fillnull value=""
A thing of beauty marycordova - thank you!
As an add-on here is my macro I use to get distances based on lat's and lon's 🙂
args = lat1,lon1,lat2,lon2
definition = eval rlat1 = pi()*$lat1$/180, rlat2=pi()*$lat2$/180, rlat = pi()*($lat2$-$lat1$)/180, rlon= pi()*($lon2$-$lon1$)/180\
| eval a = sin(rlat/2) * sin(rlat/2) + cos(rlat1) * cos(rlat2) * sin(rlon/2) * sin(rlon/2) \
| eval c = 2 * atan2(sqrt(a), sqrt(1-a)) \
| eval distance = 6371 * c | fields - a c r*
iseval = 0
It is part of my Dark Sky app featured in this .conf2017 talk https://conf.splunk.com/files/2017/slides/take-a-talk-into-the-art-of-dark-sky-photography-with-a-sp...
cheers, MuS
thanks! 🙂