I am trying to hide RED, GREEN and YELLOW, but the xml css is not working for me.
#tbl_Summary tbody td div.multivalue-subcell[data-mv-index="1"]
{display: none;}
<table id="tbl_Summary">
| eval calsuc=case(match('code',"1"), "SUCCESS", match('code',"2"), "WARNING", match('code',"1"), "FAILURE")
| dedup requestId
| eval APPLICATION=case(like('apn',"/PROFILE"),"PROFILE")
| stats Count as "Total Count" count(eval(calsuc="SUCCESS")) as "TotalSuccess" count(eval(calsuc="WARNING")) as "TotalWarning" count(eval(calsuc="FAILURE")) as "TotalFailure"
| rename TotalSuccess as S, TotalWarning as W, TotalFailure as F
| eval SuccessPerc=round(((S)/(S+W+F)),100,2)
| eval sign=round(SuccessPerc, 0)
| eval colorCd= if(sign>=95,"GREEN",if(95>sign AND sign>=80,"YELLOW", "RED"))
| eval ApplicationName=APPLICATION."|".'colorCd'
<option name="count">20</option>
<option name="drilldown">row</option>
<format type="color">
<colorPalette type="expression">
case (match(value,"RED"), "#DC4E41", match(value,"YELLOW"),"#F88E34",match(value,"GREEN"),"#53A051")
For this technique to work, you missed an essential detail. The colour has to be in a multivalue field
| eval ApplicationName=APPLICATION."|".'colorCd'
| eval ApplicationName=mvappend(APPLICATION,colorCd)
For this technique to work, you missed an essential detail. The colour has to be in a multivalue field
| eval ApplicationName=APPLICATION."|".'colorCd'
| eval ApplicationName=mvappend(APPLICATION,colorCd)
Dear @ITWhisperer , It is working for the above mentioned table. But when I use the same in another table, the data inside the cell is getting hidden.
Here is the below code and screenshot.
#highlight tbody td div.multivalue-subcell[data-mv-index="1"]
{display: none;}
<table id="highlight">
index=*xyz apn IN (/PROFILE)
| eval calsuc=case(match('code',"1"), "SUCCESS", match('code',"2"), "WARNING", match('code',"1"), "FAILURE")
| dedup requestId
| stats count(eval(calsuc="SUCCESS")) as "TotalSuccess" count(eval(calsuc="WARNING")) as "TotalWarning" count(eval(calsuc="FAILURE")) as "TotalFailure"
| rename TotalSuccess as S, TotalWarning as W, TotalFailure as F
| eval SuccessPerc=round(((S)/(S+W+F)),100,2)
| eval WarningPerc=round(((W)/(S+W+F)),100,2)
| eval FailurePerc=round(((F)/(S+W+F)),100,2)
| eval sign=round(SuccessPerc, 2)
| eval colorCd= if(sign>=95,"GREEN",if(95>sign AND sign>=80,"YELLOW", "RED"))
| eval TotalCount=mvappend("SUCCESS "+" : "+'SUCCESS' +"("+'SuccessPerc'+")", "WARNING"+" : "+'WARNING' +"("+'WarningPerc'+")", "FAILURE"+" : "+'FAILURE' +"("+'FailurePerc'+")")
| eval status=mvjoin(Totalcount," ")
| eval statusNew=mvappend(status, colorCd)
| chart values(statusNew) as tot by flowNm Country
| fillnull value="No Value"
<option name="count">20</option>
<option name="drilldown">row</option>
<format type="color">
<colorPalette type="expression">
case (match(value,"RED"), "#DC4E41", match(value,"YELLOW"),"#F88E34",match(value,"GREEN"),"#53A051")
Try changing
| chart values(statusNew) as tot by flowNm Country
| chart list(statusNew) as tot by flowNm Country
This is because values() puts the values in (lexicographically) sorted order whereas list() does not sort. YELLOW comes after SUCCESS, so is at index 1, whereas GREEN and RED come before SUCCESS so end up at index 0.
Dear @ITWhisperer ,
It works perfectly fine now. Thank you so much.