Splunk Search

Best practice dedup: should I use it as early as possible, or postpone it since it is non-streaming?


In the fundamentals 1 course lab 8 tells us to:
"As a best practice and for best performance, place dedup as early in the search as possible." (page 4)

But the quick refence guide tells us that:
"Postpone commands that process over the entire result set (non-streaming commands) as late as possible in your search. Some of these commands are: dedup, sort, and stats" (page2)

the example command they give in lab 8 places dedup in front of the distributable streaming command 'rename':
index=main sourcetype="access_combined_wcookie" action=purchase status=200 file="success.do"
| table JSESSIONID, action, status
| rename JSESSIONID as UserSessions

Would it not make sense to place dedup after rename? I guess 'as early as possible' is ambiguous anyways, but any input on where to place dedup would be greatly appreciated,


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1 Solution

Super Champion

The best way to tackle the above query is

index=main sourcetype="access_combined_wcookie" action=purchase status=200 file="success.do" 
| stats count by JSESSIONID, action, status
| rename JSESSIONID as UserSessions

stats or dedup is much efficient and reduce the data as much as possible before you do field level manipulations
you do a statistical reduction as early as possible in your search

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Super Champion

The best way to tackle the above query is

index=main sourcetype="access_combined_wcookie" action=purchase status=200 file="success.do" 
| stats count by JSESSIONID, action, status
| rename JSESSIONID as UserSessions

stats or dedup is much efficient and reduce the data as much as possible before you do field level manipulations
you do a statistical reduction as early as possible in your search


Hi Koshyk,
Thank you for the quick reply, just a follow up: this means that if I rename before stats or dedup it would take more time? And this would be the case since it is renaming over a larger dataset than if it was excuted after stats/dedup?

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