Hi all,
I need some help in creating a new field,
I have a field like following
Field 1 |
Id like to make a new field and the values become :
could someone help me with this?
Thanks in advance!
| rex mode=sed "s/(?<pair>\w{2})/\1-/g s/-$//g"
Hi @ITWhisperer ,
please can you explain me the regular expression which you have written to fulfil the request.
Firstly, rex is put into stream-edit (sed) mode.
The regular expression is in two parts (separated by a space)
Secondly, the first sed expression means substitute (s) the captured group (?<pair>\w{2}) of 2 word-characters with the first captured group (\1) followed by a hyphen (1) done globally (g) through the field.
Thirdly, the second sed expression means substitute (s) the hyphen (-) at the end ($) for nothing i.e. remove it.
Thank you!!!! 🙂 it works