I'm adding some KPIs (Host OS, CPU load for instance), and when I'm trying to save service, I'm getting the following error message:
Service not saved. Details: Invalid datamodel specification in service "1" for kpi "generic test kpi". Datamodel info: {"owner_field": "Performance.CPU.cpu_load_percent", "object": "CPU", "datamodel": "Host_OS", "field": "cpu_load_percent"}
What's the problem with the datamodel? How can I fix it?
has anyone managed to solve this issue ?
Having the same issue, Kirisame were you able to resolve and save the KPI with the data model?
Can you post screenshot of CPU utilization KPI creation.
KPI description
Search and Calculate
Source Data model: Host_OS -> CPU -> cpu_load_percent
Entities Entity Split by field: host
Calculation Calculating Average of Performance.CPU.cpu_load_percent per entity as entity value, Average of entity value as aggregate over the last 5 minute(s) every 5 minute(s)
Unit: %
Set Custom Thresholds
Enable Time Policies? No
Treat Gaps in Data as Unknown
Aggregate Thresholds
Aggregate Threshold Values
Base Severity Normal
View data from the last 60 minutes
Anomaly Detection
Analysis Time Window: Last 7 days
Trending Anomaly Detection
Enable Trending AD Algorithm: No
Algorithm Sensitivity: 8
Entity Cohesion Anomaly Detection
Enable Cohesive AD Algorithm: No
Algorithm Sensitivity: 8
You named cpuload KPI as "generic test kpi"?
Yes, so was the name of the KPI, as you see, this error prevents me from creating it.
Try some other names.
Tried already. The result is the same error.