Hi all,
I want to timechart the ouput of my stat command. I know that the _time field must be in the stats command when i add _time in the stats command, _time appears like a multivalue field so how can i timechart with this field ?
index="X" sourcetype="Y" | stats values(A) AS NOM values(eval(round(B/60))) AS duration distinct_count(C) as cparticipant values(_time) as time by call_id | where duration >=2 and cparticipant>1 | join NOM [| inputlookup D]
here the field _time
timechart expects the _time field to be single-valued. Similarly, the stats functions timechart supports all expect a single-value argument.
timechart expects the _time field to be single-valued. Similarly, the stats functions timechart supports all expect a single-value argument.
Rather than values(_time), try min(_time) or max(_time) to use the oldest or newest timestamp, respectively.
That may be only the first of your problems as I suspect timechart will have difficulty displaying multi-value fields.
I used the eventstats command and it works! But the command takes a long time to execute whereas with stats it is done almost immediately.
so its possible to timechart with mv field _time ?