Splunk Enterprise

How to find _time when select distinct?


Hello Everyone,

I have a table like this:

_time value1 value2
30/12/2021 06:30 12.1 25.2
30/12/2021 06:00 12.1 25.2
30/12/2021 05:30 11.2 26.4
30/12/2021 05:00 11.2 26.4
30/12/2021 04:30 12.1 24.5
30/12/2021 04:00 10.6 29.5
30/12/2021 03:30 10.6 29.5
30/12/2021 03:00 10.6 35.2

I want to select distinct of value 1 and get the corresponding _time and value2.

When I do:  |stats values(*) as * by value1,  it returns only value1 and value2, no include _time



But I do want to see the _time.

Do you have any solution please?



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_time is normally an epoch time i.e. number of seconds since 1/1/1970. When Splunk displays it, it will convert it to a formatted string. However, when you collect a number (more than 1) of _time values in a multivalue field with the values() or list() aggregate functions, it no longer does this for you. To get around this, you could convert _time to a string before hand

|eval time=strftime(_time,"%F %T")
|stats list(*) as * by value1

View solution in original post


Fields beginning with _ are not matched to * - values only contains unique values and are sorted lexicographically - try something like this

|stats list(*) as * list(_time) as _time by value1



Thanks @ITWhisperer .

Now I find the _time.

However, when value1 matches with several value2, _time is displayed in the form of timestamps. When 1 value1 matches with 1 value2, _time is displayed as a date time normally, fyi.

Do you have any idea?


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_time is normally an epoch time i.e. number of seconds since 1/1/1970. When Splunk displays it, it will convert it to a formatted string. However, when you collect a number (more than 1) of _time values in a multivalue field with the values() or list() aggregate functions, it no longer does this for you. To get around this, you could convert _time to a string before hand

|eval time=strftime(_time,"%F %T")
|stats list(*) as * by value1


it works, thanks for your help and your clear explaination!

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