In a clustered environment roles defined and mapped for LDAP authentication configured in Deployer (shcluster/apps) authentication.conf & authorize.conf , but the role mapping is done in the conf files , but the same is not showing up in the Search Head to the LDAP group ?
There is no need of a deployer.
On any one Search head of the cluster, you can define an LDAP strategy with 1-2 AD groups and do role mapping.
Wait for some time, the same settings are pushed to the other search heads of the cluster.
It worked for me.
I have a 5 Search Head cluster and am pushing LDAP authentication.conf & authorize.conf from the deployer to the SH's . The changes are getting pushed to the SH's , and are showing up in the SH's authorize.conf & authenticate.conf , but the mapping of the roles are not showing up in the SH's UI and the roles are not mapped.
Pls run the btool for authorize and authentication to see if its there or not?