I have a logs like below and this is not a JSON logs, indexing through HEC.
Key1='value1' Key2='value'
how do I remove this single quotes from value?
you can do in few ways
1. At indextime, completely remove this before indexing. May not be good if you want to keep "pure" source data
2. replace all single quotes in _raw message using rex | rex mode=sed "y/\=\'/\=/"| rex mode=sed "y/\'\s/\s/"
3. Do individual replacement of key-value | eval key1=replace(key1,"\'"."")
Assuming that search-time is OK, like this:
|makeresults | eval "'foo'" = "'bar'"
| rename COMMENT AS "Everything above generates sample event data; everything below is your solution"
| foreach "'*'" [rex mode=sed field="<<FIELD>>" "s/^'// s/'$//"]
| rename "'*'" AS "*"
Hi woodcock,
Thanks for the answer, would like to know how I can fix this in index time so that I no need to do this for each search.
In order to do that, you MUST show us a sample event. Why do OPs so rarely share sample events?
you can do in few ways
1. At indextime, completely remove this before indexing. May not be good if you want to keep "pure" source data
2. replace all single quotes in _raw message using rex | rex mode=sed "y/\=\'/\=/"| rex mode=sed "y/\'\s/\s/"
3. Do individual replacement of key-value | eval key1=replace(key1,"\'"."")
Hi koshyk,
Thanks for the answer, would like to know how I can fix this in index time so that I no need to do this for each search.
If you want in indextime, you can do in two ways
Just using props.conf
SEDCMD-singleQuotedData = s/(\w+)=\'([^\']+)/\1=\2/g
Please try and test your regex properly
In props.conf
TRANSFORMS-removeSingleQuotedKeys = removeSingleQuotedKeys
In transforms.conf
REGEX = (\w+)=(?:\'?)([^\']+)(?:\'?)\s
FORMAT = $1:$2\s
DEST_KEY = _raw
I've tested sample data Regex I've put into below link:
But of course, you need to fine tune your regex
(Please upvote/accept, if it worked. Cheers)
Take care. Example above fails for key name like "my-key" since \w does not include -
Also it fails for last KV, since you expect a \s and end of line, so \s? would be better.