I would like to have six intermediate forwarders before indexers.Also i am interested to configure prasing on intermediate forwarders only.can some help me how to configuration.
I have done the basic configuration where i am facing parsing quees and tail reader error on IF and traffic is getting blocked.
can you please help me solve this problem
Hi @shivanandbm,
as @richgalloway said, the number of Heavy forwarder is relevant only for performaces, how many final Forwarders have to send teir logs to the intermediate Forwarders?
Usually are used two Intermediate Forwarders (and they could be heavy or also Universal Forwarders) and if there's a queue issue on one of them it's better to give more resources than add a new one, but anyway, using six Intermediate Forwarders should be mandatory only having hundreds of thousands of other Forwarders!
The only situation to use six Intermediate Forwarders is that you have three segregated networks and you have to put two of them in each of these networks.
Anyway, about configuration, you have to create an App, called e.g. TA_Forwarders, where there are only three files:
and then deploy this app to all the final Forwarders that have to send their logs to the Indexers passing through the Intermediate HF.
Then you have to create another app, called e.g. TA_HF, containing the same files, but addressing the Indexers and then deploy to the Heavy Forwarders.
The correct question is: how to manage all these Forwarders (final and Intermediate)?
You have two solutions:
The second solution is just a little more complicated but prefereable.
I hope to have answered to your question and not enlarged you confusion!
Why do you want 6 intermediate forwarders? IFs can impede performance and add complexity so they should be used only when necessary.
Parsing in a heavy forwarder is automatic so no configuration is needed other than installing TAs that know how to process the sourcetypes. Once data is parsed by the IF, it is not parsed again.
Tell us more about the problem you are having.