I have an index populated with data from a Log4Net trace log. Each Splunk event in the index is a block of XML with an XML namespace:
<E2ETraceEvent xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2004/06/E2ETraceEvent">
<System xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2004/06/windows/eventlog/system">
<SubType Name="Information">0</SubType>
<TimeCreated SystemTime="04/22/2023 12:30:45.0456293Z"/>
<Source Name="Bar"/>
<Correlation ActivityID="{459d276d-8255-47be-be1d-9acd903fd3f0}"/>
<Execution ProcessName="NA" ProcessID="1124" ThreadID="9"/>
<TraceRecord Severity="Information">
<Description><![CDATA[Start Operation: foo]]></Description>
<Activity><![CDATA[Start Operation: foo]]></Activity>
I am trying to search these events, and I want the contents of the "Description" XML element. Does Splunk's implementation of XPATH support namespaces? This search is returning no records:
index="lmstracelogs" xpath "//E2ETraceEvent/ApplicationData/TraceData/DataItem/TraceRecord/Description"
Almost every example I've found for working with XML suggests regular expressions, which seems inelegant.
You can't match any events this way since you're trying to find "xpath" as a literal term included in your event.
Hi @DWRoelands,
This may not be the most elegant, but to avoid regex you can use:
| xpath outfield=description "/*[name()='E2ETraceEvent' and namespace-uri()='http://schemas.microsoft.com/2004/06/E2ETraceEvent' ]/*[name()='ApplicationData']/*[name()='TraceData']/*[name()='DataItem']/*[name()='TraceRecord']/*[name()='Description']"
That creates a description field with the correct text:
It does obey the namespace, but it's not the easiest to read.
Falling back to regex, if you run a sedcmd you can strip the namespaces and use your original xpath:
| rex mode=sed "s/xmlns=\"[^\"]+\"//g"
| xpath outfield=description "//E2ETraceEvent/ApplicationData/TraceData/DataItem/TraceRecord/Description"
Alternatively, just run:
| spath path="E2ETraceEvent.ApplicationData.TraceData.DataItem.TraceRecord.Description" output=description