I am unable to connect to the SPLUNK server for my 60-day trial. I was able to connect yesterday but today I am unable to connect and am getting the following message: "Hmmm... can't reach this page. localhost refused to connect" when I entered: http://localhost:8000/en-US/account/login?return_to=%2Fen-US%2F I called Norton and they stated that the firewall is not denying access but the problem is on the SPLUNK server end. Can anyone offer any suggestions?
Hi @cscott
might be chance that Splunk was down,
from command prompt
cd C:\Program Files\Splunk\bin
run following command
splunk status ---> if this output shows splunk not running start splunk using below command
splunk start
Sanjay Reddy
If this reply helps you, Karma would be appreciated
Hi @cscott
might be chance that Splunk was down,
from command prompt
cd C:\Program Files\Splunk\bin
run following command
splunk status ---> if this output shows splunk not running start splunk using below command
splunk start
Sanjay Reddy
If this reply helps you, Karma would be appreciated
Sanjay, thank you so much. It worked!!!