I want to search for a set of files that end in YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_PID.log format and I want to search on files that match today's date. How would I do that?
Use a regex tool to define/mature your pattern - https://regex101.com/ is great!
Like this:
<other parts of base search> [|noop|stats count AS source|eval source=strftime(now(), "*%Y%m%d_*_*")]
Thanks. PID is actually a number, which can vary in length. How would I grab that as well?
Answer updated.
Thanks. Not working...
Here is a sample sources:
Here's my search:
index=main sourcetype=check_log_permissions RESOURCE_TYPE=file (RESOURCE!="du" AND RESOURCE!="cd") |fields RESOURCE |table RESOURCE | eval file_date=strftime(now(), "%Y%m%d__") |eval mySource="ORS__Node_PR." + file_date + ".log" |where match(RESOURCE,mySource)
Comes back with nothing. If I remove the where clause, it comes back with a bunch. I'd like to be able to search across all the source examples, using wildcards, rather than hard-coding anything.
You didn't tell me that the field in question is RESOURCE
. This is why you should ALWAYS post your search strings. I naturally assumed that you were using field source
. Try this:
index=main sourcetype=check_log_permissions RESOURCE_TYPE=file (RESOURCE!="du" AND RESOURCE!="cd") [|noop|stats count AS RESOURCE|eval RESOURCE=strftime(now(), "*%Y%m%d_*_*")]