Hi at all,
I have a Splunk instance indexing some logs.
I'd like to continue to use the server for its old job but, at the same time, to use the same server (the same Splunk instance or a different one) to forward another log flow to a different Indexer without local indexing.
In other words: I have to locally index some flows and forward to another Indexer a different one.
I know that I can configure outputs.conf to forward logs to different indexers, but is it possible to send a flow to another Indexer and locally index other flows?
Can I do this with a single Splunk instance or do I have to install another Splunk instance (Universal or Heavy) to forward?
Thank you in advance.
You'll need a new instance as you can only have one tcpout stanza per instance and that stanza is where you set indexAndForward. So yes, but you have to use two Splunk instances. If you can provide more detail on the situation then better guidance can be given, but I would suggest to use the UF to forward off the log that you don't want to index locally but want to forward remotely.
Your single splunk instance can do both at the same time, see here for docs.
Basically, you can set up any forwarding and/or indexing settings for each input stanza independently.
You'll need a new instance as you can only have one tcpout stanza per instance and that stanza is where you set indexAndForward. So yes, but you have to use two Splunk instances. If you can provide more detail on the situation then better guidance can be given, but I would suggest to use the UF to forward off the log that you don't want to index locally but want to forward remotely.
I downvoted this post because this can be done with route and filtering:
I followed the Docs instructions but I found a problem: logs aren't locally indexed.
I inserted in my inputs.conf the described lines:
_INDEX_AND_FORWARD_ROUTING=local in local indexed log stanzas
_TCP_ROUTING=:9997 in remote indexed logs stanzas
but the result is that I don't have local indexing, where cound I search the problem?
in addition: if I put "_INDEX_AND_FORWARD_ROUTING=local" in the default stanza of inputs.conf, my HF locally indexes all the logs also the ones I'd like to only send to the remore Indexer.
Are your settings applied to the proper input stanzas? In the example of the docs, they create a new file monitor. You'll have to apply the settings to your existing inputs.
yes: I inserted in all input stanzas:
Thank you.
You shouldn't change things in the default configs, neither generally in the files in the default folder (make your changes in the local folder instead) nor in this case in particular under the [default] stanza in inputs.conf.
Yes I know it, but I tested many situations to understand why my configuration doesn't work, note that it's the same described in the first example in docs
Well, did you put the settings mentioned in the examples under your existing input stanzas? Have you had a look with btool to see if they are applied?
No. You can have more than one tcpout stanza, and you can assign these to different inputs. Also, indexAndForward is not the only setting that governs indexing and forwarding; you can route any input any way you like, its called selective indexing. See these docs for more.
Thanks for the clarification, I was under the impression that tcpout was a global setting and as such you could only have one. Selective indexing is a nifty little trick.