I have a time stamp logged into my my SNMP log like the below
[6844 0502 083830508 SNMP] BAXSnmpSTTWorker::HandleSystemOperatorEvent(), Entering supervisor (\SNMP\STT) // BAXS04202.CPP(164)
[6844 0502 083830508 SNMP]-->In this 0502 is my Month and date followed by 08:HH 38:MM 30:SS 508 :ms how do i tell splunk to understand this as timestamp while indexing my log into SPLUNK
please try this stanza in props.conf:
TIME_PREFIX = \[d{4}
Best Regards,
I have tried the same in props.conf but using [sourcetype] but was not successful
Hi Deepthi, may i know your props.conf please. are you using line_breaks and other things?!?
And if the props.conf was setup on Indexer/Heavy Forwarder and was restarted after making the change? Also, it'll only work for any new data that'll come after you made the change.