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Filter AWS Cloudtrail readonly events

Path Finder

Does anybody know a good way to filter out AWS Cloudtrail readonly events?


This is what I have on my HF and jumping through hoops to get this on the IDM for Splunk Cloud.


REGEX = "^Describe|Get|List\p{Lu}|LookupEvents"
DEST_KEY = queue
FORMAT = nullQueue

and this to props.conf:

#Strip out readOnly AWS events (i.e. Describe*, List*)
TRANSFORMS-cloudtrail_read_only = cloudtrail_read_only


Doesn't seem to be filtering. Thoughts?

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Hi @ColinJacksonPS 

You can try following to send readOnly them to nullQueue. the REGEX matches "readOnly' = true in every event and if it find a match then those events won't be indexed. So make sure the readOnly events containing the operations/eventNAme that you do not want to index.

aws:cloudtrail is a default sourcetype when you set this in props.conf it applies to everything at platform level, instead if you want to limit to particular source/host use source:: , host:: type stanzas as provided here in example.

TRANSFORMS-nullq= setreadonlytonullQ
REGEX = \"readOnly\"\:\s+true
DEST_KEY = queue
FORMAT = nullQueue


An upvote would be appreciated and accept solutions if it helps!


@ColinJacksonPS Appreciate if you could accept the solution. Hope it helped for your case.

0 Karma


Hi @ColinJacksonPS 

Can you share sample event how it looks like covering Get*, List*, LookupEvents etc.. I am sure they don not start at very beginning of event since you mentioned ^ in regex which indicates very beginning of event.  REGEX shall be changed to match with event.

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Path Finder

Here's what I can share. If this is working, readOnly=true should return no results, or at least those listed.  Raw, JSON formatted, and simple stats output. 

Screen Shot 2021-06-23 at 9.27.21 PM.pngScreen Shot 2021-06-23 at 9.26.57 PM.pngScreen Shot 2021-06-23 at 9.27.11 PM.png

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