I have question about saved searched in the navigation menu.
Let say if have more than 20 users and they have permission to saved their own searches. How can I configure the nav. menu so it will dynamic group saved searches by user.
I help users build dashboard using my own saved searches. When users login and click on the saved searches, most of them are belong to me. Is it possible to hide them from user but only visible to admin? I cannot make them private because the dashborad used the saved searches. From the link below, we can build a custom css, (http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/Developer/UseCSS). Any one has an example\command how to hide collection of label by role?
For the navigation question...
You can configure your navigation by editing the nav.xml. The docs on the nav.xml can be found here. This would be quite static, to make it more dynamic you possibly have a script which builds up the nav.xml based on who owns the search (just idea, not sure of the feasibility