Raw Value:
logtype=audit 2020-06-15T12:25:52,650| tid:SDFGH3456gtbhjcfdt$%| AUTHN_REQUEST| | 38 | | 123| | asdxc| AS| ss| | | 40
index = "PF.log"
| eval fields=split(_raw,"|")
| eval response=mvindex(fields,13)
| timechart values(response) BY host
I am interested in the last value which is 40 in this example. I tried converting the value tonumber and tried other conversion techniques which doesn't seem to work for some reason.
@srizan you would need to add trim if you are plotting it on chart as regular split with your data will have space around response value.
| eval response=trim(mvindex(fields,13))
@srizan you would need to add trim if you are plotting it on chart as regular split with your data will have space around response value.
| eval response=trim(mvindex(fields,13))
@niketn Thank you! That worked!! I was using rex to extract the value but this seems to be cleaner approach.
If you switch to the Statistics tab do you see data? Are the _time, response, and host fields present?
I was able to work around using rex to extract the value. Still unsure why conversion did not work.