I am creating a form (Simple XML converted to HTML) in Splunk 6.3.1. I am allowing the user to select which fields are returned in the table. To do this, I have a search which pulls values from a kv_store lookup to populate the choices of a checkboxGroup named "reportCriteria". There are no static choices. I also have a second checkboxGroup with one static options to let the user Select/Deselect All choices from the 1st group.
When the user clicks on "Select All", I update the token associated with the reportCriteria to include all of the possible choices. If they then uncheck Select All, I set the token for reportCriteria to an empty string. I know that the token replacement is working because the search that is run has the correct fields returned.
The issue is that the UI does not change when I "select all". I thought that if I updated the token for the checkbox group, it would trigger a change to each of the checkboxes in the group so that they would now appear checked. They do not. Oddly, when I "unselect all", the check marks do clear from all the previously selected items.
Here is the relevant code:
var reportfields = [];
var search2=new SearchManager({
"id": "search2",
"search": "|inputlookup ysfields_lu | sort label",
"cancelOnUnload": true,
...}, {tokens:true});
//when the search completes store the results in a variable.
var myResults = search2.data("results);
myResults.on("data", function() {
reportFields = myResults.data().rows;
//checkbox group --one checkbox for each field option
var reportCriteria = new CheckboxGroupInput({
"id": "reportCriteria",
"choices": [],
"searchWhenChanged": false,
"valueField": "fieldname",
"labelField": "label",
"managerid": "search2",
"value": "$report_fields_tok$",
"el": $('reportCriteria')
}, {tokens:true}).render();
reportCriteria.on("change", function(newValue) {
var selectall = new CheckboxGroupInput({
"id": "selectall",
"choices": [{"value":"selall", "label": "Select All")],
"searchWhenChanged": false,
"el" : $('#selectall')
}, {tokens:true}).render();
selectall.on("change", function() {
if (selectall.val().length == 0) {
setToken("report_fields_tok", "");
} else {
var str="";
for (i=0;i< reportfields.length; i++){
var f = reportfields[i];
if (i !=0){ str += ",";}
str += f[2];
setToken("report_fields_tok", str);
How do I make the UI update with the new token values? Or, as an alternative way, I thought about trying to explicitly check each checkbox in the report criteria group, but I can't figure out how to get to them. Does anyone know how to do that?
So I feel really stupid, but I found the issue like 5 minutes after posting this message! ugh. I was setting the token as a string, but the token for the checkboxGroupInput is an array of values. So I changed the one method like this:
selectall.on("change", function() {
if (selectall.val().length == 0) {
setToken("report_fields_tok", []);
} else {
var str=[];
for (i=0;i< reportfields.length; i++){
var f = reportfields[i];
str.push( f[2]);
setToken("report_fields_tok", str);
and now things are working correctly. I want to just delete this question, but maybe someday someone will have the same issue...
So I feel really stupid, but I found the issue like 5 minutes after posting this message! ugh. I was setting the token as a string, but the token for the checkboxGroupInput is an array of values. So I changed the one method like this:
selectall.on("change", function() {
if (selectall.val().length == 0) {
setToken("report_fields_tok", []);
} else {
var str=[];
for (i=0;i< reportfields.length; i++){
var f = reportfields[i];
str.push( f[2]);
setToken("report_fields_tok", str);
and now things are working correctly. I want to just delete this question, but maybe someday someone will have the same issue...
Have you tried unsetToken(1)