I have a query based on response times from a service.
index=homebanking "/soa/mcoi-rc-services/ContractService" Time="*" | rex field=_raw "\/(?<time>[^_\/]+)[\w\.]+($|\s)" | stats count by Time | fields - count
I get these results......
I'd like to now create a graph of these results showing a graduation or reduction of the response times.
Can someone help?
This worked quite nicely. Many thanks.
Now, how do I convert the response time to seconds?
Try something like this
index=homebanking "/soa/mcoi-rc-services/ContractService" Time="*" | rex field=_raw "\/(?<time>[^_\/]+)[\w\.]+($|\s)" | timechart avg(Time) as Avg_Response_Time
After running the search, click on the Visualization tab and select the visualization that best presents the data.