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Lookup Editor 3.4.6 Scroll Problem

Path Finder

Dear Team,

I have a weird scroll issue happening in Lookup Editor App 3.4.6 (Splunk 8.0.5). For a lookup with 289 entries - When I try to filter/search something in the Search Lookup text box and try to scroll to the right, my table entries collapses and I am unable to see any entries- the vertical scroll bar also disappears. 

collapsed view with search/filterscollapsed view with search/filters

If I don't use the filter/search option, I don't have any problem. 

normal view without any search/filtersnormal view without any search/filters

Issue persists even after clearing cookies/cache and trying out different browsers. 

I tried reading @LukeMurphey s lookup editor project bug list and I was unable to find any threads for resolution. 

Any fix or workarounds would be highly appreciated, many thanks in advance!


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I have the same problem on 3.4.6 and Splunk 8.1.3.  

Did you find any solution?



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